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EN visitarcevia en digital-photo-videos-and-pictures-storytelling-of-baptisms-and-weddings-ancona 011



For your Holidays

 Digital Photo: Videos and Pictures Storytelling of Baptisms and Weddings Ancona

Digital Photo: Videos and Pictures Storytelling of Baptisms and Weddings Ancona

Discount on Frames and Photo Shoots for Baptisms and Weddings

I was born with a passion of photography and already at the age of six my parents had to run after me to snatch their camera out of my hands to avoid me to waste too many films.

It was not difficult to understand which was my way and when I was only 23, after taking different courses of photography and cooperating with other photographers, I opened my studio: Digital Photo in the Province of Ancona.

The utmost attention is paid to every detail of my work, because it is the detail that makes the difference. It is this philosophy that everyday inspires my determination to search ideas to create new materials that are useful in my job, to turn an image into a video through storytelling of an unforgettable jewel to treasure over time..

I observe what surrounds me and I understand the beauty thanks to my sensitivity. Like a painter with his paintbrush, I capture the essence with my camera and I turn it in a harmony of shapes, colours and expressions, seizing the moment of a snap forever.

The Photography has always been my first love supported today by the new video technology that makes us realise Video Storytelling for Baptisms and Weddings in Marche Region.

Please register for the Newsletter "Save with Us" to know all the other Companies of the Visitarcevia Network, that partecipate with their respective Advantages!

Take advantage of this new idea of cooperation to download the Discount Coupon that we have planned for you to save money in Arcevia!!

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Credits TITANKA! Spa