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For your Holidays

Visit the Churches of Arcevia

Visit the Churches of Arcevia

Collegiate Church of St. Medardus:

The Church takes the name of a relics of St. Medardus (French Saint), given to the community of Rocca Contrada (ancient name of Arcevia), from the emperor Charlemagne.

Built in 1200, became a Collegiate in 1500, restored in1600.

In XVIIth century the dome has been damaged by two violent hearthquakes and then has been rebuilt by the architect Andrea Vici.

The interior has a Latin cross floor plan, with a single central nave, flanked by 8 chapels.

Inside there is a reredos made in terracotta by Giovanni della Robbia, some works of Luca Signorelli, the Universal Judjment of Ercole Ramazzani.

Inside the Church is possible to visit the St. Medardus Museum Collection, where are exposed works of Signorelli and Ramazzani.

Church of St. Agatha:

Tiny Church situated in Corso Mazzini, projected by the architect Andrea Vici. The interior ha a central floor plan, witch a dome that soars the proportions of the building.

The visitors can admire a canvas from 1600 made by Claudio Ridolfi il Veronese, representing the Coronation of The Virgin by The Holy Trinity with St. John The Evangelist and St. Agatha.

Church of St. John the Baptist inside the ramparts:
is one of the most ancient Churches in Arcevia. CCompletely restored, nowadays it houses the "Casa del Parco della Gola della Rossa e di Frasassi".

St. Francis Monumental Complex:
it belongs to the Complex of Vescovado. Built in 1200, in 1300 has been decorated with a fresco, of wich remains only a cycle of the Virgin of Delivery. The gate, perfectly conserved, is from the Medieval Age.

The interior has a single central flanked by 6 chapels.

The fifteenth-century cloister is decorated with scenes from the Life of St. Francis, of wich remain only some frescoes.

In the ex cloister attached to the Church, are located the Civic Library, the Municipal Historical Archives, the St. francis Cultural Centre, and the exhibitions Edgardo Mannucci, Quirino Ruggeri e Bruno d’Arcevia.

Inside the cloister there is also the State Archeological Museum

It is possible to celebrate marriages inside the cloister and in the halls of the Cultural Centre.

Church of St. Mary of the Aid and the Monastery of the Poor Clare Sisters:

Convent built in the first half of the fourteenth century by the Augustinian Friars.

The original structure has been changed by the restorations in the eighteenth century. Proof of the original framework is the massive bell tower.

The interior is elegant and simple.There are located some works of Della Robbia and Ramazzani.

Church of St. Francis of Paola:
is located in the hamlet, built in 1700 and edificated on a project of Arcangelo Vici, father of the architect Andrea.

For some years it has been headquarter of the artistic laboratory of the Fabrian-born sculptor and painter Edgardo Mannucci.

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